We are on our way... As silly as it sounds as we drove up to the fair grounds to set up on Friday we were a little teary eyed at the thought that we were really going to be in the Farm Chicks show. Now we are looking forward to next years show!

We did not have time to get away to take a picture of the long line and the brave people standing in it on Saturday. It was raining and windy and cold, but that did not stop the flood of people when the doors opened at 10:00 am. We met so many nice people during the show. Some people flew in from Florida and Ohio just to go to the show. Amazing uh!

I love this stool that Kathy made. It looks like it belongs in a little girls room!

A couple pictures of our booth. Hard to believe that we fit all that stuff in a 10x10 space.

We love these girls! Terri and
Serina worked so hard to put together a great show. We truly appreciate everything they did to make
the Farm Chick show a success.