A journal is (definition from dictionary)"A personal record of occurrences, experiences, and reflections kept on a regular basis; a diary. An official record of daily proceedings." A journal is a continuing record of meaningful experiences that affect our lives. What would you like to remember about yourself? What would you like to tell your children or grandchildren about yourself? I personally don't feel like I am a very good story teller, or have anything interesting to write about,but writing in a journal is all about keeping and savoring memories. You may never be remembered for your superb writing skills, profound insight or your experiences, but you are the only one who can describe how you felt when your first child was born, or the day you got your first "new" car as a teenager. Journal writing is the perfect place to sort out all of our problems, set goals, preserve memories and develop dreams.
I have to admit that I do not keep a journal. I have started one on several different occasions, but I couldn't tell you where they are though. I have made journals before, but this time as I made these, I felt different about them, like I needed to begin one of my own. So... now I will begin the journey of journaling!
P.S. The journals pictured above are for sale. If anyone is interested send me a message!
Happy Day~Jennifer