This is our booth. I wanted to take an after picture, but was so busy I forgot.

It has been nearly a week since The Farm Chick Show, and we are still talking about how wonderfully amazing it was! This year was our third year to be a vendor in the show, and by far our best yet! On Sunday, Serena announced that over 4,300 people came through the doors on Saturday, but it sure seemed like 5 million to us. The show opened at 10:00,and by the time I had the chance to look at my phone to see what time it was it was 3:30. Kathy and I didn't have much time to shop or to get very many pictures of the show this year, but we wanted to share with you what we did manage to get.

I stand all amazed at the creativeness of Krys from Hutch Studio. She made her booth from cardboard. Yes, you read that right, from cardboard. I know, crazy, right?!!! What talent that lady has. She sews the most adorable little bunnies, birds and bears, she paints and I'm sure has a multitude of other talents. You know, when you give a person a piece of fabric or piece of paper and a brush you expect something creative to come from it...but cardboard??? It was truly awesome....great job Krys!!!

These lovely ladies were from the Seattle area. Every girl needs a crown!

The after show party on Saturday night was over the top! The food was scrumptious! Oh, and the desserts, there were so many to choose from what is a girl to do but try them all! The party was held at Chaps/Cake, if you have not been there, I would highly recommend it! Overall the show was a success once again! A huge thank you to Serena for all your hard work!