O.K. We know that it has been a long time since our last post. No, we don't really have an excuse but have decided that we were going to make a honest effort to post at least once a week. So please don't give up on us. In Feburary we traveled to Utah for a family wedding. We arrived at the airport during one of the worst snow storms that Utah had seen in years. It took us 6 hours to get from the SLC airport to Orem. It was nasty! Then of course there was the girls only trip to Portland for spring break. Portland traffic is horrible! We got lost more than once even with the GPS,I guess that it would help if we knew how to use it properly! Just in case you have never been to Portland or may be planning on going, the streets near PSU downtown are in
alphabetical order. Would have been nice to know that before we drove around for a hour looking for Trader
Joe's. We are planning our next trip to ID and yes, we will hit every thrift store that we can find along the way. Now with yard sales in full swing we thought we would show off some of our finds. You gotta love Donny Osmond sitting on the wheel of the red cart. Now we are gearing up for the Farm Chicks show in June. Lot's to do!